Bring The Nation Back to God

Together we can put the Great back into Great Britain.

Will you join us? 

Become a prayer warrior and start praying for our Nation today.

Our Mission is to Bring The Nation Back To God

We aim to see every man, woman and child in a loving relationship with God. Just think what a beautiful world this would be when we share the pure love of Jesus with those around us.

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations , and then the end will come.
Matthew 24:14

We Really Need Your Help

Your support will go towards:

Christian Events

We will hold Christian events in London and the UK so that communities can learn about the Bible and the Christian Faith. We want as many people as possible to learn about  Christianity and will hold prayer meetings, celebration of Christian festivals, producing and distributing literature on biblical teachings to enlighten others about the Christian faith, spreading the word and love of God.

Broadcasting & Social Media

Spreading the Word of God through the advancement of technology, is the fastest and most effective way to reach more people than ever before. By using TV and Social Media we can send a visual message of God’s love to all that want to listen. We will be sponsoring programmes that clearly teach biblical beliefs and messages of an evangelistic and teaching nature.

Mental Health

As well as teaching God’s biblical principles, we want to show God’s love by supporting local charities in their work. We will support local mental health charities to give relief of the physical and mental sickness of people in need of counselling and support within the London area.


Hospice care seeks to improve the quality of life and wellbeing of adults and children with life-limiting or terminal illness, helping them live as fully as they can, for the precious time they have left. Helping the sick in their time of need is another way we wish to show God’s love and support. Praying for those in need, we will give supports to hospices and help them to assist those in need.

Food Banks

As well as feeding people spiritually, we want to support the local food banks in the London area and help prevent and give relief of poverty by providing supports to food banks and individuals in need of food.

Pastor Jon Colyer

“So what do we need to be doing in order to see our nation come back to God? How do we release the Christ in us who is the hope of Glory? The Bible is clear on the matter “If we, being evil, know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more will our Father who is in Heaven, give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him” The solution is Prayer, Prayer and much Prayer.”

Kristie Paul

Kristie Paul our in house presenter is passionate about all things God. She has a mission to see people enter an unending experience with Christ Jesus through daily worship and spreading of the word of God especially in our Nation.

The best feeling is to see people come to Christ Jesus one way and be transformed into their true identity. Then we can truly live our best life.

Together we can put the Great back into Great Britain.

Will you join us?

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